The medical community is still struggling to find both the cause and the cure for ME/CFS as well as even finding definitive treatments.  So far we all have more questions than answers.

Other lists

Possible Causes by the CDC


ME/CFS has some findings suggesting that the inflammation is from a compromised autoimmune system but is missing other signs, like tissue damage.2

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Autoimmune Disorder of the Neuroendocrine System 

Dorsal Root Ganglia,including%20Herpes%20simplex%20virus%201.

Post mortems have shown inflammation of the dorsal root ganglia by Dr. Charles Lapp

Energy Production System

Busted! Exercise Study Finds Energy Production System is Broken in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Possible Causes by the CDC


Gut Health



CFS – The Central Cause: Mitochondrial Failure by Dr. Sarah Myhill


A paper on the neuroendocrine system as a cause: Neuroendocrine and Immune Contributors to Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome versus neuroendocrineimmune dysfunction syndrome:differential attributions